Five days “customized training program for paramedical staff/students/faculty in
Clinical Biochemical technologies was inaugurated in the Department of Biochemistry from
25/11/2019 to 29/11/2019. The training is going to cover the basic and advanced biochemical
tools which would help the trainees in their professional up-liftmen and establishment of “high
end labs”. The function which was held on 25/11/2019, and was inaugurated by Prof. Tariq
Parvez Azad, Principal/Dean and Dr. Yashpal Sharma Director Coordination New GMCs J&K,
who welcomed the guests, faculty members and the participants of the training program,
especially Prof. A. S Bhatia, HOD, Biochemistry GMC Jammu who was Guest of Honor. Dr. A.
S Bhatia also delivered a key note address/lecture to the participants. Faculty/Resident staff of
Govt. Medical College Doda and other participants included laboratory technicians from all
Health Care Institutions of erstwhile district Doda were also present on the occasion.
Dr. Showkat Ahmad Bhat, Organizing Secretary gave a brief note on the activities
going to undertake during the training program. The training programme was sponsored by the
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). Prof Tariq Azad Principal/Dean stressed for the
similar trainings in the field of Clinical biochemistry and molecular biology, besides defining the
importance of biology in the current times.
First ever Smart Class rooms in any of GMCs of the state were also inaugurated by the
Chief Guest and Guest of Honour. This is the first time when the smart class room facility will
be available for the medical students in the J&K. Smart Classrooms are technology enhanced
classrooms that foster opportunities for teaching and learning by integrating learning technology,
such as computers, specialized software, audience response technology, assistive listening
devices, networking, and audio/visual capabilities.
Prof. Tariq Parvez Azad
Principal /dean
Department of Health and Family Welfare is aimed at bringing about dramatic improvement in the health system and the Health status of people especially those living in rural areas of the country .
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